post-oral-surgery-300x199Experiencing any kind of pain in your jaw or around your teeth can indicate a more serious oral health issue. Often, though, if the tooth pain is minor, most people tend to ignore it, hoping that likely it will go away on its own. This might happen, but eventually, the pain will return and when it does it will probably be more intense.

Any time that you experience pain in your body, it’s telling you that something is not quite right. The severity of the pain will generally be in direct relation to the severity of the problem. For tooth pain, even the slightest inkling of pain could indicate potentially serious problems developing.

The most common causes of tooth pain –especially the minor types of pain- are cavities, cracks in the teeth, infections along the gum line, and pressure being placed against the teeth.

If you have a cavity, usually you won’t notice it. A cavity is a hole in the tooth that is caused by erosion due to improper cleaning or consuming harmful foods or beverages. If the cavity gets deep enough, it can expose the tooth’s nerve and this can cause significant pain. It may start out as minor, but it can build.

Filling the cavity may not be enough; a root canal may be required to deaden the nerve endings.

If you have a cracked tooth, this can expose the nerve in the tooth and it can be extremely painful. Infections along the gum line can begin with a reddening or bleeding of the gums and if left untreated it can lead to tenderness, soreness, and significant pain. Weakened gums could also lead to weakening of the teeth.

If your teeth are out of alignment, your wisdom teeth are beginning to push out, you could experience some pain. This could require braces to correct the alignment issue or pulling out the tooth or teeth that are placing pressure on others.

If you experience any type of tooth pain, make an appointment as soon as possible to visit your dentist. It may be a minor issue that can be corrected right then, but ignoring it will almost always lead to more serious dental problems.