There’s nothing quite like our favorite form of refreshment, is there? Whether it’s that hot cup of coffee first thing in the morning or that evening cocktail, there’s a beverage for every time of day. Unfortunately, some of these beverages, while tasty, can cause and/or lead to rather serious dental problems. In this blog, we will examine some of the more harmful beverages in relation to dental health, as well as provide you with better alternatives to them. To set up an appointment for a cleaning or checkup, contact The Dental Centre today!


This should go without saying, but in terms of dental health, soda is public enemy number one. The sugar content in a 12 oz can of soda is staggering when seen in person and it’s far beyond what one would put into a cup of coffee or tea. The high levels of sugar and acid are what make soda so detrimental to dental health. High levels of sugar lead to increased acid levels, which can damage enamel and eventually lead to cavities and tooth decay. Needless to say, you may want to reconsider the next time you reach for that cola, orange soda, or root beer.

Coffee and Tea

While the sugar levels of coffee and tea are generally lower than those found in sodas, coffee and tea are both incredibly damaging to your tooth enamel. While coffee is highly acidic and can, again, lead to enamel damage and tooth decay, both coffee and tea are major culprits for teeth staining. Think about how dark those beverages are. Now think about how much of them you drink. The best way to remind yourself of this is to look at your coffee cup that you use often. Especially notable if the interior is a lighter color, notice all the stains on the inside, and more closely, notice how they aren’t coming out. These drinks have the same effect on your teeth.

Fruit Juices

While we generally have the tendency to think that fruit juices are a healthier alternative to things like soda, think again. The sugar content in processed fruit juices is not much lower than sodas, and in many cases, they contain high fructose corn syrup. Beyond that, citric juices like lemon, lime, and orange are highly acidic and can cause the same problems as mentioned above.


Wine not? Much like many of the beverages listed above, wine has a tendency to be sugary, but more so than its sugar content, the potential for staining is incredibly high. Think about all the commercials that feature a wine glass being spilled on a carpet or item of clothing, then think about how that very image is always used as an example of a stain that’s near impossible to remove. Now think about your teeth. Still want to sip that red stuff? You might think better of it next time.

Does this mean that you have to cut out all these beverages entirely? Not necessarily. A few helpful tips to consider:

  • Sip water throughout the day to reduce harmful beverage-related residue.
  • Try drinking through a straw to minimize the amount of contact made with your teeth.
  • Brush your teeth soon after consuming any of these to keep your mouth clean.
  • Chew sugar-free gum to increase saliva production and reduce the effects of sugars and acids.

There you go, just a few beverages that can potentially harm those pearly whites. To set up an appointment at The Dental Centre, contact us today!