1. Common Types of Dental Crowns

    There are a few different types of dental crowns available. Each has its own pros and cons. To help patients better understand and make the best decisions about the materials used in their dental work, we have outlined the common types below: Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal These are referred to as PFM crowns for short – they can be color matched to your other teeth and are the most common type of crow…Read More

  2. Orthodontics at Any Age

    It does not matter how young or old you are. If your teeth are crooked, crowded, or stucked, they affect the way you look and can affect the quality of your life. Orthodontic treatment not only improves the look of your smile but your health as well. Straight teeth are easier to clean and less likely to get tooth decay or damaged. If you are not happy with the way your teeth look or work, orthodon…Read More

  3. Restorative Dental Implants

    Lost a tooth or need an irreparable tooth removed? There is no need to worry about how your smile will look – dental implants can restore your tooth with a tooth that will look as natural as your real teeth so that others will be unable to tell the difference. An expert Canadian cosmetic dentist can provide this work for you. Dental implants are a permanent solution for lost or missing teeth. Th…Read More

  4. Teeth X-Rays for Children

    X-rays are a valuable diagnostic tool in many areas of healthcare including dental visits. They help your dentist identify many factors in adults and children such as: how teeth are coming in, position and size of teeth, extra teeth or empty spaces in the gums (missing teeth), monitoring injuries, seeing/monitoring oral infections, identifying bone diseases, and problems beyond the scope of a visu…Read More

  5. How Do I Help My Children Care for Their Teeth?

    Oral care and hygiene is important starting at an early age. Teaching your children properly will help them stay healthier in general and benefit them later in the life. You can start by setting an example; taking good care of your own teeth sends a message that oral health is something to be valued. And anything that makes taking care of teeth fun, like brushing along with your child or letting t…Read More

  6. How To Beat Bad Breath

    Chronic, severe bad breath is known as halitosis. It can be tough to cope with and can put a major damper on your life if you ignore it. You can significantly lower the severity of your halitosis by identifying contributing factors and dealing with the causes directly rather than trying to cover them up with mouthwash or mints. Here are some of the major contributors to halitosis: If you are a smo…Read More

  7. Clean Teeth = Healthier Heart

    There are many factors that can contribute to heart disease and increased heart attack risk. Did you know that brushing your teeth could help reduce this risk? While certain risk factors cannot be changed, it is important to realize that you do have some control over many others regardless of your age, background, or health status. Protecting your heart can be as simple as taking a brisk walk, eat…Read More

  8. How Effective Is Teeth Whitening?

    Even a minor change of one to two shades can make a big difference in anyone’s smile. When thinking about whitening your teeth, you should be able to achieve your optimal whiteness while still looking natural. There are a lot of factors that determine how much your teeth can be whitened. Some of these you can control – such as whether to use a bleaching method or not, or the percent of active …Read More

  9. Is Sedation Dentistry A Good Idea?

    Many people have major anxiety or fear associated with visiting the dentist. Most of these fears are unwarranted, as modern dental technology has allowed patients to experience full dental makeovers with very little pain. A possible solution for those who suffer severe anxiety might be sedation dentistry. What exactly is oral sedation dentistry? It is also known as relaxation dentistry, this merel…Read More

  10. Choosing Your Dentist

    Need to find a dentist? There are several important factors that go into making this decision. Here are some things you will want to consider: Location and hours – It’s always wise to choose a dentist that is close to your home or work. This makes it easier to schedule appointments and to ensure you arrive on time. You should also make sure that they are available for dates and times when you …Read More