1. The Top 5 Reasons People Tend to Avoid the Dentist

    If you were to ask 100 people why they don’t visit the dentist, you’ll probably get an incredible number of different answers. Out of all of those potential answers, below are the top five excuses people make to avoid a trip to the dentist. Reason #1: I don’t have time. Reason #2: I don’t have the money right now. Reason #3: I’m worried about problems. Reason #4: I don’t like pain. Rea…Read More

  2. 6 Things that Could be Causing Your Tooth Sensitivity

    Sensitive teeth can be extremely painful. For some people, it can be difficult to understand exactly why their teeth become sensitive. Here are six things that may be causing your tooth sensitivity. 1. You consume acidic foods. Tomato sauce, lemons, kiwi, and grapefruits are acidic foods that can cause pain, especially when the pathways to those tooth nerves are exposed. 2. You grind your teeth. I…Read More

  3. 4 Tips to Help You Achieve that Sparkling Smile

    Achieving a smile you’re proud of does not have to be a complete mystery to you. In fact, while many people hide their smile because of yellow, stained, crooked teeth, or other issues, there are certain steps you can take that will give you the confidence to smile and laugh more abundantly and that will draw more people to you and help you improve your conference. Tip #1: Take care of your oral …Read More

  4. 4 Threats to Your Health that Could be Getting on Your Toothbrush

    You just purchased a brand new toothbrush, cracked open the case, and brushed your teeth for a few minutes. It felt great, but the moment you put it in the holder on the sink in the bathroom, you are actually exposing it to some harmful things. A lot of people simply don’t want to think about what could be crawling around on their toothbrush because that’s the one thing they’re going to stic…Read More

  5. 4 Reasons Improved Oral Care Can Lead to More Self Confidence

    If you’re looking to boost your confidence level, have you ever thought about oral care? Believe it or not, how well you care for your teeth and mouth can have a direct impact on many other aspects of your life, including your confidence levels. Below are four reasons why. Reason #1: Better oral care leads to better breath. If you’re self-conscious about your breath, it can make it difficult f…Read More

  6. 5 Signs You May be Neglecting Your Oral Health (and Not even Realize It)

    You want to do what’s right for your oral care. You brush your teeth twice a day, floss, and rinse with mouthwash. Or maybe you only brush twice a day, once in the morning and once right before you go to bed. If you think that is enough to take care of your teeth and avoid cavities, you’re making some serious mistakes. Below are five signs that could indicate you’re not taking care of your o…Read More

  7. 4 Reasons People Have For Ignoring Pain in their Teeth

    Feeling pain in your mouth could make you think about many worst-case scenarios. You might have been eating a salad, downing a bottle of beer, or just jogging when you felt the pain. Very often one of the first things people think about when they experience pain in their mouth is cavities, root canals, and a host of other major dental work that could not only be expensive, but also even more painf…Read More

  8. 3 Lesser Known Benefits of Drinking Water for Healthy Teeth

    Many medical professionals will tell their patients and others that drinking eight glasses of water every day is essential for optimal health. The body is mostly made up of water and requires water for proper organ function. Whether it’s moving blood throughout the body, helping to improve brain function, keeping muscles from cramping, or anything else, not getting enough hydration can cause ser…Read More

  9. Bad Breath May be More than Just Poor Brushing Practices

    Dealing with halitosis, more commonly referred to as bad breath, can certainly be embarrassing for anyone. If you notice your breath is beginning to smell foul, even though you’ve been brushing on a regular basis, it could be the result of more than just poor brushing practices. Maybe you brush on a regular basis, once or twice a day. That’s a good start but it’s not enough to ensure healthy…Read More

  10. Stressed about that Impending Visit to Your Dentist? Try Laughing in the Face of Your Fears (It Just Might be What the Doctor Ordered)

    Stressing about visiting the dentist is not that unusual. In fact, millions of Canadians and people around the world will report that a visit to the dentist can instill more fear than going to the doctor or sitting in an interview for a job they desperately need. If you’re experiencing fear or stress and anxiety about an impending visit your dentist, laughter can actually be the best medicine. T…Read More