Heading to the dentist for a regular visit can cause anxiety and stress for many people. Even if you take care of your teeth properly, brushing and flossing at least twice a day and rinsing with mouthwash when you do, that doesn’t mean you’re completely in the clear with regard to potential oral health problems.
Your dentist could find a cavity, a crack in the tooth, gum disease, or other issues that need to be addressed with more dental work.
If, on the other hand, you haven’t been to the dentist in a long time, you’re probably wondering about all of the problems he is going to find. Being able to relax is incredibly important because that will encourage you to visit the dentist more frequently.
Here are four potential relaxation techniques you may want to consider before your next dental visit.
Relaxation Technique #1: Listen to music you love.
If you listen to music you really enjoy, it should have the ability to help you unwind and relax. Make sure you have this music with you in the car so that by the time you reach a destination you won’t have been thinking about it the entire time.
Relaxation Technique #2: Meditate.
If you meditate for various purposes, this is a great way to help you relax for a dental visit. Spend 10 minutes before you head to the dentist and meditate. If you’ve never done this, pick up a relaxation video or CD to help you uncover the secrets of meditation.
Relaxation Technique #3: Read a good book.
When you read a book you really enjoy, you can get lost in the characters, settings, and worlds that are created between those pages. It’s a good idea to bring one of these books with you so that when you’re in the waiting room, and you’re reading it, time will just fly by.
Relaxation Technique #4: Realize major work won’t happen today.
If the dentist finds something with your oral health that will require major work, such as a root canal, just know that it’s not going to happen that day. It will usually have to be scheduled for a later time and that will give you more opportunity to practice your relaxation techniques so you’re ready when that date arrives.