post-oral-surgery-300x199Gum disease affects millions of people throughout Canada every year. There are numerous things that can be done to help combat this oral health problem, but when you’re talking about periodontal disease, completely removing the bacterial plaque and hardened deposits is the only way to completely stop the infection.

Dentists can use scalars, ultrasonic equipment, or even both to help remove these bacteria that cause periodontal disease. In some cases, though, surgery may be required to reach deeper pockets of infection. If periodontal disease is not stopped in its tracks, the individual could experience bone loss and tissue damage to the gums. This could cause the tooth to become detached from the gums and bone, and that will cause what is known as a periodontal pocket.

When that pocket forms, plaque and other hardened deposits can form within it, making it almost impossible for the dentist to remove it with those other options.

What does periodontal surgery do to stop periodontal disease?

If the pockets within the gums are 5 millimeters in depth or greater than that, the surgical procedures help to clean out these pockets and also reduce the depth of them. This will make it easier for the dentist to clean out those areas in the future without surgery.

Flap surgery is the most common type of procedure. This involves creating a small opening in the gum tissue that exposes the infected area around the root of the tooth as well as the bone.

Grafts and other enhancements may also be necessary in certain situations. If you have been diagnosed with periodontal disease and your dentist has recommended surgery, it’s best to have this done as soon as possible. It may be tempting to wait, especially if you don’t experience any pain at the moment as a result of it, but eventually it can lead to bone loss and damage to your teeth and roots.