1. Why It’s a Good Idea to Keep those Chipped Teeth

    Having a chipped tooth has the potential to make things much more difficult and uncomfortable. This all depends on the severity of the damage and which tooth it happens to be. If the chipped tooth is one of your front teeth, it can make you self-conscious about your smile, causing you to avoid laughing or smiling in public. It can also affect the type of foods you eat. For some people, having a ch…Read More

  2. Dental Problems May Not be Painful

    The vast majority of people throughout Toronto who may have dental problems will rarely ever know it, unless they visit their dentist. That’s because most dental problems, at least when they first begin to develop, will not be painful. That’s because most dental problems won’t begin to affect the nerve or show significant signs, such as pain, until they reach an advanced stage. Pain is the b…Read More