1. The Best Ways to Prepare For Your Next Dental Exam

    No matter who we are, the closer we get to our scheduled dental cleaning and exam, the more we have a tendency to grow a bit nervous. Even if we practice exceptional oral hygiene, our hygienist and dentist possess a knowledge that we ourselves do not possess, and because of that, even in a small way, we have the tendency to think that the visit is going to be a bad one. If you practice proper oral…Read More

  2. How to Help Your Child Avoid Cavities

    Helping your son or daughter maintain good dental health is important to his or her overall health. Starting from an early age, it’s essential to teach your child how to brush his or her teeth properly, use dental floss daily, and make sure to always eat a healthy diet full of fiber, fruits and vegetables, and low-refined sugar. Dental health affects the health of the entire body and if it’s n…Read More

  3. Are Teeth Bleaches a Smart Choice?

    Dealing with stained and yellow teeth can be frustrating. It’s enough to cause people to cover up their mouth when they smile, laugh, or talk in close proximity with others. There are many products on the market that advertise as being ‘teeth whiteners.’ Most of these teeth whiteners are bleaching agents. The main goal of these bleaching agents is to get rid of those stains to help your teet…Read More

  4. Manual or Electric Toothbrushes: The Grudge Match

    You’re looking for a new toothbrush. You have been looking at your old one and can’t even remember when you actually opened the package for the first time. It is worn out, the bristles are folded out the sides, and it looks like it’s been used to clean the toilet, the floor, and every other hard surface in your entire house. That may sound disgusting, but the longer you have a toothbrush, th…Read More

  5. 3 Common Misconceptions about Root Canals

    Any time you feel pain in your mouth it’s a sign that something’s not right. The longer you delay getting proper treatment, the more problematic those issues become. Root canals are not as horrible as people may make them sound. Some people are more sensitive to pain and discomfort than others. Here are three common misconceptions many people have about root canals. Common Misconception #1: Th…Read More

  6. 3 Embarrassing Oral Health Problems You Can Solve Right Now

    You might be embarrassed by the condition of your teeth or some other aspect of your oral health. It may feel like there’s nothing you can do about it, either. In reality, getting to the dentist every six months for regular cleaning and checkup is the best way to stay on top of your oral health. Pain is one of most common symptoms people experience that indicates something is wrong with their te…Read More

  7. 4 Steps to Proper Flossing Techniques

    Flossing seems to intimidate far too many people. Yet flossing is one of the most important aspects of proper oral care. If you don’t know how to floss properly, your teeth are not in proper alignment, or they seem to be jammed together extremely tight, you might have difficulty working the floss in between the teeth. This can cause you to give up flossing altogether. Don’t give up. Here are f…Read More

  8. 3 Reasons a Water Pick isn’t Going to Offer Much Benefit for Your Teeth

    Maybe you’ve heard about water pics for oral health for quite some time. These devices were incredibly popular during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, and while they are still around and a lot of people do use them, they aren’t going to offer the kind of benefit you might hope for. Why people use water pics. One of most common reason a person uses a water pick is to try and clean food and other pa…Read More

  9. Your Dentist Ordered a Root Canal: Now What?

    You went to your dentist for the first time in several years and even though you were worried about what she might find, you didn’t expect that she would recommend a root canal. A root canal is a serious bit of work, and is considered oral surgery. This is a process by which the dentist will cut down and essentially disable the nerve endings in the tooth. Usually when that cavity is so severe or…Read More

  10. With Proper Dental Care, You Don’t Have to Hide Your Smile Anymore

    You may have a tendency to hide your smile because of the poor condition of your teeth. Maybe you brush regularly, floss every once in a while, and rinse with mouthwash every night, but that might not be enough to help avoid stained teeth. You also may have some bad habits that could be staining your teeth, causing you to feel self-conscious about them when you smile. If you drink a lot of coffee …Read More