1. Sensitive Teeth and What You Can Do about It

    Sensitive teeth can be painful and frustrating. When you have sensitive teeth it could lead to a number of pain experiences, and it can also keep you from smiling as often as you may like. In most cases, sensitive teeth is the result of improper or poor dental care. There are several things you can do to deal with the sensitive teeth you’re experiencing, including changing your diet, getting the…Read More

  2. 3 Tips for Dealing with Sensitive Teeth

    Having sensitive teeth can be frustrating. Every time that you bite into a food that is not at room (or mouth) temperature, you could be experiencing pain. Hard foods and even tough foods, like meat, can become a chore to chew. Switch toothpastes If you are experiencing sensitive tooth issues, try using a toothpaste that is specifically designed for sensitive teeth. There is no guarantee that you …Read More

  3. 3 Signs it’s Time to Visit Your Dentist

    Let’s be honest. Visiting the dentist is usually last on your list of things to do. Yet there are times when it’s necessary. While there are several signs that could indicate you should make an appointment with your dentist today, three stand out as the most immediate: 1. Sensitivity or pain. 2. Hiding your smile. 3. It’s been at least six months since you last visited a dentist. Sensitivity…Read More

  4. Dealing with Sensitive Teeth

    Living with teeth sensitivity issues is an uncomfortable problem that typically results from subpar dental care. Luckily it can be treated with the right diet, proper home dental care, and dental assistance. Heat and cold, pressure on your teeth and gums – these things can cause pain for people with sensitive teeth. The condition can make normally pleasant experiences like drinking coffee or eat…Read More