1. 4 Dental Health Habits You Should Take on Now

    Habits are things that you have a tendency to do consistently time and time again, day after day, week after week. When you’re talking about dental health, there are a number of habits you should begin developing as soon as possible. Here are four of them to consider. 1. Brushing at least twice a day. Every dentist will recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day. This should generally be…Read More

  2. What does it mean to be proactive with regard to oral health care?

    When you are proactive about your oral health, you will be brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash at least twice every day. It’s best to brush after every meal, but that’s not always practical, especially for people when they’re out at work. Being proactive about your oral care also includes visiting the dentist every six months for regular cleaning and checkup. During those regular …Read More

  3. Stressed about that Impending Visit to Your Dentist? Try Laughing in the Face of Your Fears (It Just Might be What the Doctor Ordered)

    Stressing about visiting the dentist is not that unusual. In fact, millions of Canadians and people around the world will report that a visit to the dentist can instill more fear than going to the doctor or sitting in an interview for a job they desperately need. If you’re experiencing fear or stress and anxiety about an impending visit your dentist, laughter can actually be the best medicine. T…Read More

  4. 3 Signs it’s Time to Visit Your Dentist

    Let’s be honest. Visiting the dentist is usually last on your list of things to do. Yet there are times when it’s necessary. While there are several signs that could indicate you should make an appointment with your dentist today, three stand out as the most immediate: 1. Sensitivity or pain. 2. Hiding your smile. 3. It’s been at least six months since you last visited a dentist. Sensitivity…Read More